Dear you,
No matter how rough the road is, just keep studying. No matter how many people are telling you that you can’t do it, you keep studying. What if you can pull this off? what if you can become the very person you dream of? It all starts as soon as your alarm clock goes off. You have a decision to make and it takes discipline to do this. To really commit to having a productive day. To get up and make every single minute of your day count and you have to do this every single day no matter what obstacles get in your way, no matter what your friends say, no matter what your classmates say.
See, a constant fight that doesn’t just stop against weakness, against procrastination, against laziness. It’s a campaign of sacrifices and dedication. It’s about walking up early and going to bed late and making a good use of every seconds in between. The fulfillment of your dream lies within you and you alone. Whether you pass your exams or fail your exams, it’s yours. You need to be persistent about what it is, that you want to achieve. You have got to make a declaration that this is what you stand for, you want it and you are going to give it everything you got to achieve it.
I didn’t say that it was going to be easy because if it was going to be easy everybody will be doing it. If you want an A grade and a 4.0 G.P.A. If you really want it and not just saying it but deep down inside you, you feel it within you. There’s going to be sacrifices, there’s going to be work and you are going to make tough decisions. You are going to be patient with yourself. But if you can combine these. That’s what makes great things happen. That's what builds extraordinary life.
Create the highest grandest vision possible because you become what you believe in. No matter how crazy it might sound to other people. Think about it carefully; who do you want to be? what makes you happy? Keep pushing because you believe in yourself and your vision. It needs to be clear to you, you need to know exactly what you want. You need to know what it tastes like and what it smells like. You are never going to be able to do it, if you keep making the wrong decisions, if you keep procrastinating and wasting your time doing things that don’t align you with your end goal.
You want to achieve exceptional grades from now on, it’s on you. You can make it happen. You’ve got the power to do that. You can change things for you. It doesn’t matter what grades you got in the past, it really doesn’t matter because when you acknowledge it and say that; it’s me, I am the one that determines the outcome and I have got to do this. I have some obstacles that is ahead of me and i know it’s not going to be easy but ultimately, this obstacles will not slow me down.
See, just when you feel like you’ve done your last hours of studying or reading the last passage of your handout and your brain is telling you that you can’t study anymore, you say yeah, I have got to do a little bit more.
Make this year, the year that you will commit to yourself that you’re going to make progress. It just takes discipline and outright dedication. If you can commit to winning every single day for the entire year, in 365 days, your life will be drastically different.
It does not matter who you are, which part of the world you are from or how old you are. It’s the same for everyone. If you’re going to have the energy and passion to drive yourself through the day, working at 100% effort, you’ve got to wake up every single day and start with that Vision. Because right now, while you’re quitting, the next person will be studying. While you’re complaining and giving up, and saying; that’s all enough it’s time to rest, the next person is just getting started. After all, Somebody is going to win. You or him.
It’s very simple, the person who wins is the person who wants it the most.
Writer: Anonymous