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Okay, it’s now two years since we embarked on this journey towards substantiality. Comply with a lot of experiences on both sides of the coin,(positive/negative)creating memories and relationships with different kinds of people and yet challenging. We must maintain unwavering faith that we can and will prevail in the end, regardless of the difficulties, and at the same time have the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of our current realities, whatever they might be.

This journey isn’t an easy one, and trust me we didn’t expect it to be either. like I said “Everything worth it comes with a price tag” and here we are, with hard work, dedication, and determination we can say the cup is half full now. This journey is a mission with a promise or a prospect of a successful life at the end of it, this is why some of us made the hard decision of leaving our families behind to embark on this journey I called the journey of greatness, success, affluence, and journey of the dream life. The price behind this journey is that we had to leave home and Yes, we missed home because is now two years and that’s not two months, not seeing our loved ones for a whole two years is a lot. But trust me, we are proud that sooner or later all this will be a history and a scintillating story to tell to our young ones, and finally change the status and the narrative of our various families. we didn't come this far just to come this far.

It’s now exactly two freaking years, with a year to go still grinding it hard, harder than before, twice as every single bit of it, because man has a sole goal to pursue, and man ain't resting until and unless man lay his hands on it with the help of the almighty Allah. We have dreams, dreams we even fear, because if we are not fear of our dreams then they are not big enough, so yes! We are fear of our dreams, but then we are people of valor and determined for greatness, so do we have plans too, and these plans are what I call the “C5 complex” clear, concise, compelling, consistent, and committed, with this, we can make our dreams come true, not forgetting the application of the “Five(5P)” method which is; proper, planning, prevent, poor, performance. this is the master, with these, we will all see a significant difference in the pursuit of our dreams and be able to make them realistic. everyone can dream big but the difference is the plan behind that dream, which I believe we all have, and in no time, we will all make our dreams real.

Moreover, let's all be proud of the success we have made so far, and the amount of distance we were able to cover over these two years. Yes, we are yet to the end of the journey but the distance covered is more than worth being proud of, and of course, we are proud and marveled. It's not one year or two months. It's two solid years, I mean a whole 730 days. A lot has happened though a lot is also still yet to come. However, over the years, we laughed together, celebrated, embraced one another, and supported each other when necessary, We cried together, and most importantly, We bonded and became stronger than ever among us and other nationalities we deem as a family now. We create indelible memories together. Similarly, sooner rather than later, We will be happy that the journey has finally come to an end, and there will be no more melancholy faces or anxiety and so, that we are going home soon.

On the other side of the story lays a bunch of emotions and tears, as we will be forced to let go of most of the beautiful moments we had together. truth, there is no place like home and there is no relation better than that of our families, but here in the kingdom has also become like our home and the people we meet have become like family to us. In a year or so, We will have to choose between a family and a family, and a home and a home. There is no easy way out no easy choice and yet a choice has to be made. we left home with tears rolling down our cheeks and now we will leave for home with the exact sentiments, what an irony! but then these are the realities of life. MAN MUST LEAVE HOME TO FEED HOME.

This write-up is dedicated to Batch Covid. On our 2nd anniversary in the kingdom. Congratulations and best wishes onwards.

Author: Adama bah

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