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Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will break my confidence.

Words will break my trust.

Words will linger in my head until

who I am becomes who I was.

They said words won’t make me bleed,

That words won’t scrape my knees.

But words will make me touch rock bottom,

Drowning in my tears' created sea.

I was a child when I first started being bullied.

The words started out small,

Children being children,

They said I wouldn't remember it after all.

But words are like tattoos permanently engraved on my being.

Words can be the knives that cut me to the bone,

That leave me bleeding and all alone.

Words can be the chains that bind me to the past,

That keep me trapped and make me last.

Words can be the poison that seeps into my soul,

That turns me bitter and takes its toll.

Words can be the darkness that swallows up my light,

That leaves me lost and without sight.

Words can be the storm that tears apart my heart,

That leaves me shattered and torn apart.

Because words become beliefs,

Once you are forced to start agreeing.

But!! words are also weapons that I can wield to fight back.

Words can be the light that guides me through the night,

That gives me hope and helps me fight.

Words can be the warmth that melts my frozen heart,

That brings me back to life and sets me apart.

Words can be the sound that moves my soul,

That fills me with joy and makes me whole.

Words can be the laughter that brightens my day,

That lifts me up and shows me the way.

Words can be the love that heals my wounds,

That makes me feel safe and helps me bloom.

Words can be the magic that makes dreams come true,

That opens up new worlds and makes them real.

Words can help me speak my truth and stand my ground,

To reclaim my voice and make a sound.

Words can be the spark that ignites my flame,

That reminds me of my worth and my name.

Words can be the bridge that connects me to others,

Who have faced the same pain and become my brothers/sisters.

Words can be the seeds that grow into flowers,

That fill my life with beauty and colours.

Words can be the tools that help me heal,

That show me how to cope and how to feel.

Words can be the wings that help me soar,

That lifts me up from the darkness and makes me live.


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