1. The best you is not the one that lives through easy times. The best you comes into being during and after great challenges. Hard moments give us the opportunity to apply the healing that we have accomplished so far and they fuel us to evolve even further. Challenges expand our capacities in ways that easy times do not, they help us see how we have grown and in what ways we need to continue growing. Too often, we think of healing in an external sense, where we try to remove the obstacles from our lives without realizing that to make our healing long-lasting, it would be more effective to address our own perceptions and reactions.
There is nothing wrong with saying no to difficult people and putting ourselves on a better path that more substantially supports our happiness, but it would be unrealistic to expect that we can remove all difficulties from our lives. The ocean of life flows between calmness and storms, honouring the truth that down moments are common and natural will help us let go of resistance so that we can pass through difficult times with less tension and use them to gain more wisdom.
2. When we think about healing, there is often this idea that we want to go back to being who we were before the hurt and trauma. On the surface, it may seem that healing is bringing us back to an original state, but when we take a deeper look, it is clear that who we are is fundamentally always changing. The interaction between mental and physical phenomena occurs at incredible speeds, at the conventional level of everyday life we may seem solid, but in reality, our being is in a constant state of motion. This means that who we were in the past only remains as a memory, it is not something we can truly go back to. Life flows forward, from one moment to the next. Though the current present moment is similar to its most previous past moment, they are not fundamentally the same. Similarly, when we embrace our evolution and put energy into our transformation, we are giving a clearer direction to the flow of change that is innately happening within us. We reclaim our power by understanding our past and by intentionally living our present – this helps us build our future with the wise actions we choose to make today.
3. The ego always tries to stretch itself beyond what it understands, giving everything it encounters a valuation, even when we have very little information on the person, subject or situation to give it a proper assessment. A clear sign of maturity is noticing when your ego is jumping to conclusions and intentionally withholding any final judgment. Having the humility to remind yourself that hasty assessments are not helpful is a good practice. A helpful rule to live by is: evaluate what you truly understand and have the internal fortitude to inquire about the rest.
By Mamat Jasseh