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Fear! How simple does it sound? This is an anxious feeling, an emotion experienced in anticipation of some specific pain or danger that is usually accompanied by a desire to flee or fight, a feeling of profound respect for someone or something. That's fear for you.

But hey, is fear really powerful and can impact your life? Well yes, because you are at some point fear of making decisions that matter the most, you are fear of rejection from your surroundings, you are fear of losing people who mean the world to you and most importantly you are fear of failure, we all are actually, all this speaks to the complexity of fear, that's what makes it automatically significant. The preponderance of its impact can be detrimental to you. Why, because, everything you are to do starts with you deciding on it, and with fear you could end up missing out on making a key decision, fear has just four letters and sounds simple but fear is huge and can be equivalent to the whole twenty-six letters in the alphabet, this just to illustrate how potent can fear be.

However, here is the chance to rule your fear. fear doesn’t have that one thing called the go-ahead because this go-ahead lies in your own hands, is nobody but yourself that gives it the green light to strangle you, you give it strength and empower it to hunt you down. fear is enormous and all yes, but only if you allow it to get to you and have an impact on you, without your consent fear means nothing, but trust me it could mean everything the moment you permit it. If you ask me fear is just another word nothing more until and unless you authorise it. Block out your fear, tackle your problems head-on, and always finish strong, go out there with absolute confidence, do what you gotta do or say without a single atom of fear, make big decisions, take a step towards them, and believe that you can and will prevail at the end.

Do not heed being accepted or rejected by your surroundings, and don't be fear of losing people who matter the most to you. true we all want acceptance and attention from our neighbours, but hey, always remember that you can never be enough for all to accept you, nor can you be kind and extrospective to accept everyone who comes your way, the earlier you realise it, the more you stop fearing being rejected or losing people and get cozy with the ones that accept and cherish you unapologetically. Help yourself, sit, and ponder about the people you used to seek acceptance from that you think matter the most, and people you already lost, where are they today and how is it with the current persons around you today, just do your experiment, and might be, just might be you may single out a small sense out of what am saying. The truth is that people will always come and go and everyone will come along with a gift, being in the form of memories or life lessons either way is a win-win situation for you. The adage that enunciates that people are the most important asset in your life happens to be not true, people are not the most important asset in your life, but the right ones are and they will always stay. The continuous swings of people in your life are just another nature of life.

Fear of failure, hmmm sounds big right? nobody wants to fail that's why you fear right? Oh okay, I get it, but wait! The question is; Should you be fear of it or embrace it, because it exhibits how relentless you are, it means you are trying something new, and like they said FAIL is the acronym for First attempt in life. Don't be fear of failure because if you do, you might end up not attempting anything new, and trust me that's what real failure looks like, I mean refusing to do something with the mindset of I might fail. If you fail so be it try once again and be optimistic. You don’t have to be too belligerent about yourself over a single failure in life. fail as much as possible and never give up on your ways, that's what matters the most, just at the right time you will lay your hand on it and the fails won't matter anymore.

Don't ruminate about the past or the future because believe it or not, you will always be terrified, let bygones be bygones, live in the present and let the future unfold in its ways, and let every moment of it count. Be bold and let the unthinkable happen.

Author: Adama bah

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