Many a time, we tend to forget or neglect how crucial it's to be in people’s lives positively, especially those very close to us and going through depression. A lot of our colleagues in that situation aren’t asking for much - all they need from you is just to simply listen to them. People have different ways of handling their depression and we all have a key role we can play to lift each other. The feeling of no one cares about me, none want me, and none is there for me can be detrimental to one’s mental health.
There are times in our lives when we think none else cares about us. Insecurity looms! These are times when you need to put yourself together and find a person you can trust and talk to about your condition to that person. One thing I have realized lately is that whenever you talk about things bothering you, it is like you have unloaded the burden on your head. And it eases the burden and opens your mind.
In conclusion, depression is real, the earlier you accept that reality and work toward your mental health, the better for you and your mental health.
Written by: Salifu Sonko