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Updated: Apr 21


"Have you seen Barack Obama called Donald Trump a “complete dipshit”, or Mark Zuckerberg brag about having “total control of billions of people’s stolen data”, or witnessed Jon Snow’s moving apology for the dismal ending to Game of Thrones?

Answer yes and you’ve seen a deepfake. The 21st century’s answer to Photoshopping, deepfakes use a form of artificial intelligence called deep learning to create images of fake events, hence the name deepfake."

Deepfakes are a type of highly realistic synthetic media created using deep learning

algorithms in which a person's face and voice are replaced with someone else's using

artificial intelligence technology.

Impact on Society:

In recent years, advancements in artificial intelligence technology have led to the rise

of deepfakes. While these deepfakes can be entertaining and even humorous at

times, they also pose serious risks to society. Deepfakes have the potential to be

used maliciously, the ability to manipulate visual and audio content in such a

convincing manner has far-reaching implications such as:

1. Spread of Misinformation and Fake News: Deepfakes have the potential to

spread misinformation and disinformation. In today's digital age, it is becoming

increasingly difficult to discern between what is real and what is fake, undermining

the credibility of reliable sources of information. With the growing popularity of

deepfakes, people may begin to question the authenticity of videos and images,

leading to a general distrust of the media. This could have serious consequences for

society as a whole, as the ability to disseminate accurate information is crucial for a

functioning democracy.

2. Damage to Reputation and Credibility: Deepfake technology can be used to edit

videos to make it seem like someone said or did something they never actually did.This can damage a person's reputation and credibility, leading to unfair treatment

and potential harm to their personal or professional life.

3. Privacy Concerns: Deepfake technology can be used to create fake pornographic

videos or images that appear to feature a particular individual, potentially leading to

the invasion of privacy and psychological harm.

4. Political Manipulation: Deepfake technology can be used to create realistic videos

of politicians saying or doing things that they never actually did. This can be used for

political manipulation and to influence public opinion. Deepfakes have the ability to

manipulate public opinion, sway elections, and even incite violence. For example, a

deepfake video of a political figure saying something incendiary could easily go viral,

causing chaos and confusion.

5. Legal and Ethical Dilemmas: The advancement of deepfake technology raises

complex legal and ethical questions, such as issues surrounding intellectual property

rights, privacy, and consent. It also challenges the traditional idea of trust in media

and information sources.

In addition to their impact on the political landscape, deepfakes also have

implications for the entertainment industry. As deepfake technology becomes more

advanced, it is becoming easier for filmmakers and content creators to manipulate

actors and create scenes that never actually happened. While this may seem

harmless on the surface, it raises ethical questions about consent and the

boundaries of creative expression. Reports have also shown that deep fakes have a

major impact on organizations where cyber-criminals use deepfake technology to

impersonate an employee or executive for either financial gain or gain of access of

the resources of the respective bodies.

How To Spot Deepfakes:

Some ways to detect deepfakes include looking for inconsistencies in the video, such

as strange facial movements or unnatural speech patterns, and using technology

tools specifically designed to detect and verify the authenticity of videos. It's also

important to be cautious when sharing or believing information online, especially if it

seems too good to be true.

In conclusion, deepfakes have the potential to have a profound impact on society,

from spreading misinformation to undermining the credibility of reliable sources of

information. It is crucial that we take steps to address the risks associated with this

technology and work towards creating a more transparent and trustworthy digital

environment. By staying informed and vigilant, we can help mitigate the negative

effects of deepfakes on society.

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