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Updated: Jan 16

It's now exactly one year since you left home, to pursue a degree in an entirely different atmosphere, to become the person you dream of becoming, or perhaps to change the family story line, Win battles that your parents didn't win, Be the record breaker, and set up new measures. It is hard, we get it, but hey! you are robust, and nothing is stopping you from reaching your goal. How fast? it's already a year, and you have already done terrific. Keep it up and stay strong because there is more to come, be it good or bad. Always remind yourself that, If you could stay a year without your loved ones, what else could be more challenging? Only then you will acknowledge how strong and unbreakable you are. So far so good it's been a long conveyance already, but yeah, let's keep riding, you will get there soon. Unhurriedly, yes, but undoubtedly. I will commend you on the success you have made so far. you might not have seen it, but you did a lot. know it or not, people are proud of you.

You might miss home and periodically feel like giving up everything and going home, the ambiguous weather, coupled with the challenges of the schooling system here in the kingdom, is normal to presume or feel that way, you could have goosebumps is okay. I understand where you’re coming from because I was on your feet not long ago and am still there with you. However this is the price you have to pay to become that person you want to become shortly, that anchor of the family, it's attainable sure, but it just won’t be that friendly, because the motivational speaker says; “The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding”. You all are on the right track, uh-huh, because, you all left your amenity zones to make a difference and set new heights, with hard work and persistence you will get into the dream world soon. Remember to always speak kindly to yourself, The way you speak to yourself has an enormous impact on your mood. Try, "I'm still learning" instead of "I made a mistake again." Keep in mind that no one is perfect. Never be shy or hesitate to seek help when the need arises. The renowned adage says; No man is an island” and that says it all. You can accomplish anything in life provided that you do not mind who gets the credit for it, Block out your fears, tackle your problems head-on, and always finish strong.

This past year has been electrifying. It's 365 days away from home already, the figures are high and it has been quite a milestone. One year is much and still not, the time seems fast and still slow, A lot has transpired and a lot is yet to come, You have done a lot, and still not enough. Too many uncertainties, forget it, relax and focus on that one thing which is your goal. Be disciplined, pray, and trust the process, that it will all work out in the end, at its convenience time. You live a full year of independence, deciding and doing it your way “comme tu veux” and you have done it right, have you ever deemed it to be an achievement? Well, it's indeed a triumph. it is a huge progress towards your personal growth. Making a decision might sound simple but that doesn't make it easy. Nonetheless, you have been doing it for a whole year now and you doing just fine until now, worth being proud of I suppose.

It's hard here, true! But it will build you into the best version of yourself. One thing this Kingdom will offer you is its broad range of diversity, its acres of diversity is something you can capitalise on and make the best use of it. Be exposed, widen your network and create connections, be open to new possibilities, heed every little detail, and accept the challenges. In no time, all this will become history and a fairy tale, that you will be marvelled to relate to your close circle, and it's in your hands now to make this story an impressive one. The author of the book, Great to Good, Jim Collins; Says great is the enemy of good, And it's not only a business problem but a human problem, you don't have to be content with just doing good, do great. Remember, perspective is the modern equivalent of “God is the answer to everything”. The clock is ticking, your stay here is lingering by the minute and you are already halfway through your studies, in a jiffy you will be home. Similarly, you will feel does same emotion you felt while coming because here has also become like home and the new people you meet have became like family to you, yet you must go home someday. Relish your stay while you are still here and cherish every single moment of it.

This write-up is dedicated to Batch World Cup On their 1st anniversary in the kingdom. Congratulations and best wishes onwards, keep up your high spirit of commitment, and know that GASAM’S future rests in your hands. I was told the same last year and am now forwarding it to you. Am legit proud of you all.


Author: Adama bah

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