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Licence- Master-Doctorat (LMD) system

The current higher educational framework in Morocco is commonly known as the BMD (LMD) system (Licence- Master-Doctorat). This system is now fully operational in our university, embracing the institutional, structural and pedagogical fields. Its major contribution relates to pedagogical matters because it defines principles, objectives, and modes of learning assessment in harmony with those in effect in other parts of the world, thus facilitating student mobility. The BMD system includes 3 cycles of qualification leading to a Bachelor’s degree, a Master’s degree and a Doctorate.

In light of the Moroccan past experience, a deep reflection at the national level as well as a reasonable comparison with the current systems of education in other countries have helped elaborate ambitious and clear objectives.
The student being at the center of the concerns of the university, he/she is at the heart of our educational reforms,

  • The renewal and modernization of the educational system ;

  • The implementation of a flexible and efficient training program, for both General studies and Professional training, enabling students to access employment and the socioeconomic fabric ;

  • The reinforcement of students’ methodological, linguistic and communication skills ;

  • The capitalization of modules and the possibility of reorientation through the provision of bridges between the various tracks ;

  • The implementation of a regular assessment system ;

  • The preparation of the student for integration in society and employment market ;

  • The organization of continuing education ;

  • The transmission of cultural values.



The diplomas conferred by the national universities are :

  • Licence degree or Bachelor’s Degree and Professional Bachelor’s Degree (Licence professionnelle), which comprise six semesters of study or two semesters after the Second-Year of the University Diploma (DEUG) ;

  • Master and Professional Master which comprise four semesters of study after the Bachelor’s ;

  • The Doctorate degree requires at least six semesters of studies, fieldwork and/or laboratory research, seminars, etc.), after the Master. It is the highest degree in the BMD system ;

  • University Technology Diploma (DUT) ;

  • The State-certified Engineering degree (Ingénieur d’Etat) ;



A set of rules and regulations determine progress through the higher education sequence. Modules, the components of a course of study (track), should meet the standards established by the higher education community and be structured according to educational objectives that guarantee the quality of student learning.

The process of accreditation of every track is subject to the following steps :

  • Adoption by the Institution Council (Faculty or School),

  • Adoption by the University Council,

  • Accreditation by the National Commission for Accreditation and Coordination of Higher Education (CNACES).



A track is a course of study including a structured educational curriculum organized as a coherent set of modules in one or several disciplinary fields. Its main objective is to ensure the acquisition of skills and competencies by students.

A track consists of modules the number of which is determined by the diploma under preparation : University Technology Diploma (DUT), Bachelor’s degree, Professional Bachelor’s degree, and the State-certified Engineering degree.

A track is attached to an academic institution and the teaching is ensured by one or more departments of this institution or other institutions affiliated to the university. The adoption of the modular system facilitate the establishment of bridges between study programs, thus providing students with the opportunity to manage personal careers according to demonstrated competencies and aptitudes



The semester is an educational temporal fraction of the academic year. In the BMD system, the year is composed of two semesters. A semester is composed of 16 weeks of study and assessment, with an average of four modules and 300 - 360 hours of study, again depending on the type of degree under preparation.

Le module

  • The module is the fundamental Teaching Unit (TU) of the university system ;

  • A module may contain a maximum of two elements ;

  • Each module has a minimum of 75 hours of study and should have a syllabus for the elements of module and a detailed plan of the teaching ;

  • It is recommended that each track include modules in a foreign language : French and/or English in particular, when possible.


Validation and Student’s Assessment

Determination of students’ mastery of course work and skills in every module is done through regular assessment, which can take the form of examinations, tests, homework, presentations, reports or any other form of work.
Every institution elaborates regulations for the assessment of the students’ knowledge and skills and makes them available to them. These regulations concern, among others, the modes of assessment, cheating, late submissions and absences, as well as the procedures for the consultation of the exam copies by students.
The mark of the module is composed of the overall average of the marks of its component elements.
The weighting takes into account the nature of assessments and the hourly volume of the elements as well as their nature.
This weighting is determined by the teaching staff of the module.
A module is acquired either by validation or by compensation.
A module is validated if its mark is superior or equal to the minimal mark fixed in the description of the track.
A student who has not validated one or several modules benefits from a make-up exam in all the non-validated modules.
Compensation is attained through averaging of all modules.

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