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Morocco is ahhbkbkjkjnknjknlnln North African country that has a coastline on both the North Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. It has borders with Western Sahara to the south, Algeria to the east and the Spanish North African territories of Ceuta and Melilla on the Mediterranean coast in the north. Morocco is a gateway to Africa, and a country of dizzying diversity. 

Life in Morocco is fairly of a standard compared to other African countries. It is a developing country and has shinning economy with all basic social amenities. The supply of electricity and water is constant throughout the kingdom and it has a well-paved road networks with affordable transportation system.

Food in Morocco

Food is generally affordable in Morocco.

All towns have proximity markets where one can buy necessary ingredients for cooking. Morocco possesses variety of restaurants which offers their services both on-site or delivering at residences.


Bread is one of the most consumed food commodities in Morocco, the country its also known for its 'Moroccan Couscous and Tajine'. Apart from the local markets and restaurants, there are renown supermarkets with outlets accross most cities.


Morocco has a good transportation system which facilitates movement within the country.

Its transportation system ranges from trains, tramways, buses, small taxis  and big taxis.


The trains are convenient for long distant journeys within the kingdom while the tramways exist only in Rabat and Casablanca for city services. Their city buses circulates only within a specific city and their are also convenient buses for long distance journeys. The small city taxis are also restricted to one city and are differentiated by color from one city to another. They operate with counters and customers pay according to distant covered, the tariff is slightly increase during nights . Big white taxis have fix tariffs and they also circulate within a designed city. 


As a student in Morocco you can subscribe for student transportation cards for the trains, tramway and city buses to reduce cost of transportation

Cost of living

To be checked


The security in Moroccan societies depends on different variables.

It can be safer from one city to another or even areas within a particular city. One can experience robbery in very remote or lonely areas especially during the nights. It is not advisable to be walking on Moroccan street alone late at night specially for girls. Moving in groups can help reduce the risque of being robbed. Robbers usually arm themselves with knives and are most of the times in small groups. 

Places To Visit

Tour Hassan

Tour Hassan

Mosque Hassan II

Mosque Hassan II









Morocco Mall

Morocco Mall

Morocco Mall

Morocco Mall

Morocco Mall

Morocco Mall

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