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Agence Marocaine de Coopération Internationale (AMCI)

The Moroccan Agency for International Cooperation (AMCI) was created in 1986 to help strengthen the International Cooperation of the Kingdom of Morocco, with a strong orientation for the promotion of Sud-Sud Cooperation advocated by His Majesty King Mohammed VI.


AMCI's mission is to develop cooperation among people by contributing and strengthening cultural, scientific, economic and technical cooperation between the Kingdom of Morocco and the countries to which it has ties and cooperation with. AMCI works in close coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of The Gambia in the implementation of its projects in partnership with the various Moroccan ministerial departments and the national partners concerned.


The Agency's ambition is to be a major player in the implementation of the South-South cooperation of the Kingdom of Morocco, by making use of the know-how and expertise of the Kingdom of Morocco in several fields to provide support to developing countries, mainly in Africa.

As Agents responsible and committed to the development of human capital, AMCI contributes each year to the training of thousands of international students, including a large majority of African students, in disciplines essential to the growth of the African countries and the world at large.


In the academic year 2016/17, about 11,000 foreign students were studying in Moroccan public institutions of higher education, including 9,000 students from 44 African countries. AMCI awards a large number of scholarships from the Kingdom of Morocco to International Graduate Students.


Thus, more than 8,000 foreign students have benefited from the scholarships of the Kingdom of Morocco for the year 2016/2017 through AMCI, and 75% of African students of AMCI are beneficiaries of the Moroccan government scholarship.


The Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (MoHERST) of The Gambia was established in 2007. 
The ministry's departments are the Directorate of Higher Education, Directorate of Research and Planning and the Science and Technology Directorate.


With missions ranging from providing access to relevant and high quality education to providing high quality higher education services, the Ministry has the sole responsibility to shortlist deserving students to be awarded scholarships to study in different countries including morocco. They do all the procedures necessary including but not limited to the following;

  • Do all legal paper works like visa application to enter morocco

  • Work with the ministry of Finance on behalf of the students to pay their annual stipend from the Government of the Gambia

  • Pay economic return flight ticket for the awarded students

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